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The use of a stone for an apron in the kitchen - the pros and cons

In a private house, apartment, every housewife tries to decorate the kitchen so that it not only pleasantly becomes, but also comfortable to work. One of the most important issues is the choice of finishing the wall, located along the surface of the kitchen countertop on which cooking is being done, as well as above the sink, oven.

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10 июня 2018, 12:22    Никита Пирогов 0    18    0

Home production of artificial stone for fireplace decoration

The construction of a fireplace is a matter requiring great attention and experience in construction. After the construction of the main elements it is worth considering the facing. Here everything depends solely on the fantasy, budget and general interior of the fireplace room.

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10 июня 2018, 12:22    Никита Пирогов 0    14    0

Interior decoration of premises with gypsum stone

There is an infinite number of means for decorating walls in apartment houses or apartments. Someone prefers to use wallpaper or paint walls, but there are people who are attracted to the design using stone. In this case, it means covering the surfaces with tiles or creating a mosaic of small pieces.

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10 июня 2018, 12:22    Никита Пирогов 0    21    0

Stone - slate of Carpathian

Artificial Stone Slate of the Carpathian is today one of the most popular decorative stones intended for exterior and interior decoration of premises. This is due to its numerous advantages - ease of installation, affordable price, as well as the ability to make such an artificial stone yourself.

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10 июня 2018, 12:22    Никита Пирогов 0    18    0

Plastic molds for paving slabs

Each of us walked around the streets with beautiful, stone-lined, concrete or tiled tracks. At the same time, they could be observed in large cities, such as Moscow or St. Petersburg, and on the periphery. This feature of the urban landscape has become more widespread in the last few decades.

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10 июня 2018, 12:22    Никита Пирогов 0    119    0